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Sharon Toji

The "ADA Sign Lady"

Voting Delegate,

ANSI A117.1 Committee

Contact Sharon for ADA sign surveys & wayfinding plans

Chris Sircello

California Certified Access Specialist (CASp 404)

Contact Chris for a full CASp inspection

Our Survey Team

We can provide site surveys and needs assessments based on federal accessibility standards, including the 2010 ADA Design Guidelines, or on the California Building Code. Our services are especially important for facilities like hospitals, office buildings and schools that tend to have a lot of signs, since we have expertise in that area second to none.

CASp Consultants and Architects:

Site Surveys & Inspections

Put us on your team! We can both assist in regular inspections and needs surveys, and provide the special knowledge you may not have in the very complex field of accessible signage and wayfinding.

Architects: Plan Checking

Save the trouble of having to return to DSA or other authorities repeatedly by letting us check your plans for accessibility details and pitfalls. If you still get comments, we can back up our work with code citations and code development history to show intent.

Sign and Wayfinding Planning

It is rare to find the kind of expertise we have in the field of signage, wayfinding, and communications in the typical architectural firm. We can work with you from Day One to provide accessible and safe numbering systems, coherent naming, code compliant sign location and drawings, and complete sign schedules that will simplify the bidding process and get you “apples to apples: quotes from reputable sign companies.

Facilities Owners and Managers:

Site Surveys & Inspections

If you have been reading all the negative publicity about ADA lawsuits, call us. March, 2012, brought in a revised set of federal guidelines that may require additional barrier removal for your facility, or you may just want to make cosmetic changes, and that will include signs. We will check out your facility and tell you what we think is most appropriate:  an official “CASp survey, or a more informal needs assessment.

Plan Checks

Have you hired an architect or designer for some remodeling or decorative refurbishing that includes signs? We will check over plans and designs to point out accessibility problems. It is much less expensive to fix them before building commences, signs are ordered, or someone brings a complaint.

Sign and Wayfinding Planning

Many architects and interior designers are not trained in the science and art of wayfinding design, and may not be up to date on the latest materials and methods used for signs. If we work with you from the beginning of the project, your sign system will not only be ADA compliant, but will also be an efficient wayfinding tool for your visitors, and will harmonize with your facility.

We can provide site surveys and needs assessments based on federal accessibility standards, including the 2010 ADA Design Guidelines, or on the California Building Code. Our services are especially important for facilities like hospitals, office buildings and schools that tend to have a lot of signs, since we have expertise in that area second to none.